Class Schedule

CRN Subject Course Section Title G.E. Units Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Place Instructor Year Semester Books Other Materials Tuition Other Fees TOTAL Grade Points Earned
10020 BIOL 1010 001 Principles of Biology B2 3 11:30 - 14:00 11:30 - 14:00 11:30 - 14:00 11:30 - 14:00 S 146 Wolf S 1996 Winter $66.00 $178.00 $27.00 $271.00 4.00 12.00
20443 ENGL 1001 003 Freshman Composition A2 3 08:00 - 09:27 08:00 - 09:27 C131 Breen R 1996 Spring $49.00 4.00 12.00
20306 COMM 2000 002 Public Speaking A1 3 08:00 - 08:58 08:00 - 08:58 08:00 - 08:58 C201 Shipley K 1996 Spring $34.35 3.70 11.10
20808 PSCI 1201 002 American Government D1b 3 11:15 - 12:13 11:15 - 12:13 11:15 - 12:13 C102 Hughes S 1996 Spring $69.70 4.00 12.00
20951 MUS 2000 001 Music of World Cultures C1 G 3 12:20 - 13:18 12:20 - 13:18 12:20 - 13:18 M 004 Danziger R 1996 Spring $37.35 4.00 12.00
20793 MATH 1610 002 Statistics for Decision Making B3 3 13:25 - 14:23 13:25 - 14:23 13:25 - 14:23 C 210 Reneau D 1996 Spring $63.70 $863.50 $43.00 $1,160.60 3.30 9.90
40261 CIS 2010 001 COBOL Programming and Business Information Systems 3 08:00 - 08:58 08:00 - 08:58 C131A Tsacle A 1996 Fall $58.65 4.00 12.00
40262 CIS 2012 001 COBOL Programming and Business Information Systems Lab 0 09:05 - 10:03 09:05 - 10:03 L145A Tsacle A 1996 Fall $0.00 0.00
40050 PHYS 1500 001 Energy and Matter B1 3 11:15 - 12:13 11:15 - 12:13 11:15 - 12:13 S146 Chow T 1996 Fall $66.00 4.00 12.00
41277 PHYS 1502 001 Energy and Matter Lab B1 1 14:30 - 17:28 S204 Chow T 1996 Fall $6.55 4.00 4.00
41010 PSYC 2030 001 Psychology of Adjustment E1 3 09:40 - 11:07 09:40 - 11:07 C234 Sherman S 1996 Fall $58.65 4.00 12.00
40045 PSYC 2010 001 Introduction to Psychology D2b 3 11:15 - 12:42 11:15 - 12:42 C102 Schoneberger T 1996 Fall $62.35 4.00 12.00
40756 COGS 2100 001 Introduction to Cognitive Studies D2b 3 18:00 - 21:00 L162 Carter / Myers 1996 Fall $19.95 $863.50 $43.00 $1,178.65 3.00 9.00
10265 HIST 2600 001 Problems in U.S. History D1a 3 08:00 - 10:30 08:00 - 10:30 08:00 - 10:30 08:00 - 10:30 D027 Grant C 1997 Winter $20.00 $178.00 $27.00 $225.00 2.00 6.00
20196 ACC 2110 001 Financial Accounting 3 08:00 - 08:57 08:00 - 08:57 08:00 - 08:57 C122 Staff 1997 Spring $78.45 4.00 12.00
20750 MATH 1500 001 Finite Mathematics 3 09:05 - 10:03 09:05 - 10:03 09:05 - 10:03 C233 Nemzer D 1997 Spring $57.50 1.30 3.90
20832 PHIL 2000 001 Philosophical Inquiry A3 3 11:15 - 12:13 11:15 - 12:13 11:15 - 12:13 C104 Young A 1997 Spring $33.14 3.30 9.90
20221 BLW 2060 001 Law, Environment and Ethics 3 08:00 - 09:27 08:00 - 09:27 C102 Staff 1997 Spring $58.00 4.00 12.00
20837 PHIL 2230 001 Modern Philosophy C2 3 09:40 - 11:07 09:40 - 11:07 S235 Gordon J 1997 Spring $27.65 $863.50 $1,118.24 4.00 12.00
41157 MGT 3310 001 Management Theory and Practice 3 18:00 - 21:00 C204 Chan M 1997 Fall $77.00 4.00 12.00
40405 ECON 2500 003 Principles of Economics I 3 09:40 - 11:07 09:40 - 11:07 C106 Erickson E 1997 Fall $73.35 3.70 11.10
40407 ECON 2510 001 Principles of Economics II D2a 3 11:15 - 12:42 11:15 - 12:42 C106 Jasek- Rysdahl K 1997 Fall 3.70 11.10
40712 PHIL 2200 001 Ancient Philosophy C2 3 12:55 - 14:22 12:55 - 14:22 C210 Raffoul F 1997 Fall $28.00 0.00
41096 ACC 2130 003 Managerial Accounting 3 14:30 - 15:57 14:30 - 15:57 C122 Amini B 1997 Fall $20.95 $863.50 $43.00 $1,105.80 3.70 11.10
10107 COGS 3100 001 Communications Networks F3 3 09:00 - 11:00 09:00 - 11:00 09:00 - 11:00 D027 Gorman J 1998 Winter 4.00 12.00
10108 COGS 3102 001 Communications Networks Lab 0 11:01 - 12:00 11:01 - 12:00 11:01 - 12:00 L125C Gorman J 1998 Winter 0.00
21324 CIS 3782 001 Management Information Systems and Microcomputers Lab 0 08:00 - 08:58 08:00 - 08:58 L145A Deng P 1998 Spring 0.00
21323 CIS 3780 001 Management Information Systems and Microcomputers 3 09:05 - 10:03 09:05 - 10:03 C202 Deng P 1998 Spring 4.00 12.00
21310 FIN 3220 004 Business Finance 3 14:30 - 15:57 14:30 - 15:57 L201A Cherukuri U 1998 Spring 3.30 9.90
20026 ENGL 3007 004 Business and Technical Communication 3 08:00 - 09:27 08:00 - 09:27 V134 Mester S 1998 Spring 0.00
20284 COGS 2300 001 Cognitive Simulations 3 09:40 - 11:07 09:40 - 11:07 S108 Staff 1998 Spring 4.00 12.00
21370 OM 3010 004 Operations Management 3 11:15 - 12:42 11:15 - 12:42 C233 Murti G 1998 Spring 2.00 6.00
41057 MATH 3350 001 Applied Mathematical Models F1 3 09:05 - 10:03 09:05 - 10:03 09:05 - 10:03 P164 Feldman L 1998 Fall 3.70 11.10
40355 MKT 3410 003 Basic Marketing 3 10:40 - 12:07 10:40 - 12:07 P102 Gnepa T 1998 Fall 4.00 12.00
40160 CIS 3730 001 Structured Programming 3 18:00 - 20:00 C202 DiFalco P 1998 Fall 4.00 12.00
40161 CIS 3732 001 Structured Programming Lab 0 20:01 - 22:00 L160 DiFalco P 1998 Fall 0.00
40383 OM 3022 Management Science Lab 0 08:00 - 08:58 P106 Chalasani R 1998 Fall 0.00
40382 OM 3020 003 Management Science 3 09:40 - 10:38 09:40 - 10:38 C238 Chalasani R 1998 Fall 3.00 9.00
40383 OM 3022 Management Science Lab 0 10:40 - 11:08 10:40 - 11:08 C238 Chalasani R 1998 Fall 0.00
40632 COGS 4680 001 Neural Nets and Intelligent Machines 4 14:30 - 16:00 14:30 - 16:00 Carter T 1998 Fall 3.70 14.80
40632 COGS 4680 001 Neural Nets and Intelligent Machines By arrangement with instructor Carter T 1998 Fall 0.00
40633 COGS 4682 001 Neural Nets and Intelligent Machines Lab 0 By arrangement with instructor Carter T 1998 Fall 0.00
10124 COGS 4950 001 Genetic Algoritms 4 12:30 - 17:30 12:30 - 17:30 P102 Carter T 1999 Winter 0.00
20322 MGT 3400 001 Seminar in International Business 3 09:05 - 10:03 09:05 - 10:03 09:05 - 10:03 P102 Li P 1999 Spring 0.00
20311 CIS 4770 001 Systems Analysis and Design 3 13:25 - 14:23 13:25 - 14:23 P100 Deng P 1999 Spring 0.00
20312 CIS 4773 001 Systems Analysis and Design 14:30 - 15:28 14:30 - 15:28 P106 Deng P 1999 Spring 0.00
21043 PHIL 4401 002 Professional Ethics F2 3 18:00 - 21:00 C210 Nagel C 1999 Spring 0.00
21163 PSYC 4400 001 Cognitive Processes 3 12:55 - 14:22 12:55 - 14:22 C133 Stanislaw H 1999 Spring 0.00
20307 CIS 4720 001 Data Base Management Systems 3 14:30 - 15:28 14:30 - 15:28 P107 Lodewyck R 1999 Spring 0.00
20308 CIS 4723 001 Data Base Management Systems Lab 15:30 - 15:57 15:30 - 15:57 P107 Lodewyck R 1999 Spring 0.00
CIS 4723 001 Data Base Management Systems Lab 16:00 - 17:00 L160 Lodewyck R 1999 Spring 0.00
* CIS 4740 Advanced Data Base Management Systems 3 1999 Fall 0.00
* CIS 4750 Decision Support Systems 3 1999 Fall 0.00
* CIS 4760 Decision Support Development Project 3 1999 Fall 0.00
* CIS 4710 Information Systems Management 3 1999 Fall 0.00
* MGT 4900 Business Policy 3 1999 Fall 0.00
TOTALS 134 $0.00 $183.00 3.62 283.00

Last Updated on 1/1/99
By James Card

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