Contents of this page:
Grandma's Famous Cookies
Holiday Delight Tarts
Cherry Bars
Bright Eyed Susans
Cheese And Cranberry Cookies
Oatmeal Cookies
Oatmeal Cookies
Chocolate Coconut Bars
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Peanut Butter Cookies
Date Bars
Date filling
Date bars
Orange-Glazed Cranberry Cookies
Orange glaze
Pineapple Bars
Carrot Cake
Craisin Cookies
Butterscotch Delights
Vanilla Pudding
Banana Bread
Banana Drop Cookies
Persimmon Cookies

👴 jdcard

Grandma's Famous Cookies

 Photo of Grandma's cookie apron [IMG]
Photo of Grandma's cookie apron [IMG]

Grandma's cookie apron

Holiday Delight Tarts

1. Beat the eggs together in a mixing bowl. Blend in other ingredients

2. Pour mixture into prepared tart shells

3. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes at 375° F

Makes about 15 tarts

Cherry Bars

Preheat oven to 350° F


1. Combine flour and powdered sugar

2. Using a fork or pastry blender cut butter into flour mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs

3. Press the mixture firmly into the bottom of an ungreased 9x12 baking pan

4. Bake for 12 minutes


1. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt

2. Add eggs, lime peel, and vanilla. Beat well

3. Stir in cherries, coconut, and walnut

4. Spread the filling evenly over the partially baked crust

5. Return to the oven and and bake an additional 20 - 25 minutes until dark golden brown

6. Cool in the pan on a wire rack

7. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, and slice into bars

Bright Eyed Susans

Preheat oven to 350° F

1. Sift flour and baking powder together twice

2. Cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy

3. Add water, vanilla, and egg yolk. Add flour mixture, mix well

4. Form dough into balls about the size of a walnut

5. Roll in slightly beaten egg white, then in nuts. Place on lightly greased baking sheet. Bake for 5 minutes

6. Remove from oven. Press a thumbprint (or use the back of a spoon) in each ball of dough. Return to oven and bake for an additional 8 - 10 minutes.

Makes about 4 dozen.

Cheese And Cranberry Cookies

Preheat oven to 350° F


1. Break up jelly with fork

2. Add other ingredients, mix well.


1. Mix flour, cheese, and salt together

2. Cut in margarine with a pastry blender

3. Stir in milk

4. Wrap dough in foil, and chill in refrigerator

5. Roll chilled dough thinly on lightly floured board

6. Cut into desired shapes (squares, fingers, etc.)

7. Spread half the shapes with filling, cover with remaining shapes. Press edges together well to seal

8. Place on ungreased baking sheet, bake about 10 minutes.

Makes about 30 cookies.

Oatmeal Cookies

Preheat oven to 375° F

1. Mix ingredients

2. Drop onto greased cookie sheets

3. Bake for 8-10 minutes at 375°.

Oatmeal Cookies

Preheat oven to 350° F

1. Blend molasses and water

2. Melt and cream shortening

3. Add well-beaten eggs, and sugar and whip mixture vigorously

4. Add flour mixture

5. Stir in oats, raisins, and nuts

6. Drop onto greased baking sheets

7. Bake at 350° F for 15 minutes.

Chocolate Coconut Bars

This favorite recipe cannot be published here. It is available in Taste of Home's QUICK COOKING magazine Collectors Edition 1999. Copyright © Reiman Publications, LLC 1999, or at


Chocolate Chip Cookies

Preheat oven to 375° F

1. Cream the above ingredients together

2. Then add:

1. Mix well

2. Then add:

1. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto well-greased cookie sheets

2. Bake 8-10 minutes at 375° F

Peanut Butter Cookies

Preheat oven to 375° F

1. Cream the above ingredients together well

2. Then add:

1. Cream well

2. Then add:

1. Mix well

2. Form dough by rolling into balls about the size of a walnut

3. Place on baking sheet about 1 inch apart

4. Bake at 375° for 10 minutes

Date Bars

Preheat oven to 375° F

Date filling

1. Combine dates and water in saucepan, bring to a boil over medium heat

2. Reduce heat to simmer, stirring occasionally for 3 to 4 minutes until thickened

3. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla

Date bars

1. Combine dry ingredients and mix well

2. Then add:

1. Mix well

2. Spread about 3 cups of the oats mixture into a 9x13 baking pan

3. Press down firmly

4. Spread date filling evenly across top of oats mixture in baking pan

1. Combine nuts with remaining oats mixture

2. Spread oats and nuts mixture over date filling

3. Gently press into mixture

4. Bake at 375° F for 25 minutes

Orange-Glazed Cranberry Cookies

Preheat oven to 350° F


1. Combine above ingredients

2. Set aside

1. Blend above ingredients

2. Add the dry ingredients and mix well

3. Drop dough by rounded teaspoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet

4. Bake at 350° F for 10-15 minutes, until brown

Orange glaze

1. Melt butter

2. Blend all ingredients

3. Use small cream pitcher to drizzle glaze onto cookies

Pineapple Bars

Preheat oven to 325° F

1. Set aside 2 tablespoons crushed pineapple.

2. Combine sugar, flour, baking soda and salt in mixing bowl.

3. Add oil, eggs, pineapple, vanilla and lemon extract.

4. Mix thoroughly.

5. Pour batter into greased 9 by 12 pan and bake at 325° for 25-30 minutes.

6. Frost immediately with cream cheese frosting plus pineapple that was set aside earlier.

7. Chill and cut into squares.

Carrot Cake

Preheat oven to 350° F

1. Boil all of the above ingredients for 5 minutes.

2. Let cool.

3. Add the following ingredients:

1. Mix well.

2. Pour into a greased cake pan.

3. Bake one hour at 350° F.

Craisin Cookies

Preheat oven to 375° F

1. Mix first three ingredients with electric mixer.

2. Add dry ingredients and mix well.

3. Stir in cranberries and chocolate chips.

4. Drop on greased cookie sheet and bake at 375° for 10 minutes or until golden brown.

Butterscotch Delights

Preheat oven to 350° F

1. Combine first six ingredients until smooth.

2. Sift together next four ingredients and add to egg mixture beating until smooth.

3. Add oats and chips, mix well.

4. Drop by spoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet.

5. Bake at 350° for 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Vanilla Pudding

1. In sauce pan blend sugar, cornstarch and salt.

2. Add milk, cook stirring over medium heat until thickens and bubbly.

3. Cook and stir 2 more minutes.

4. Remove from heat.

5. Stir a small amount of hot mixture into yolks and then add to sauce pan of mixture.

6. Cook two more minutes.

7. Add margarine and vanilla.

8. Pour into bowl to cool.

Banana Bread

Preheat oven to 375° F

1. Mix all ingredients together thoroughly.

2. Pour into a greased loaf pan and bake at 350° F for 50 - 60 minutes.

Banana Drop Cookies

Preheat oven to 400° F

1. Beat 1¼ cups sugar, shortening and vanilla till fluffy.

2. Beat in eggs, then bananas and set aside.

3. Mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

4. Add to sugar mixture.

5. Add nuts and chill for 30 minutes.

6. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

7. Bake at 400° F for 10 minutes or until lightly brown.

Persimmon Cookies

Preheat oven to 350° F

1. Mix all ingredients together well.

2. Drop by spoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet.

3. Bake at 350° F for 12 minutes or until lightly brown.

© Copyright 1997 - James Card - Permission is granted for non-commercial use of all original material.

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