Contents of this page:
God's People in Exile - What Should We Do?
Jeremiah 28
The Dueling Prophets
The Dueling Prophets
Jeremiah 29
Be Ready To Run Home? or Settle In For The Long Haul?
Be Ready To Run Home? or Settle In For The Long Haul?
Be Ready To Run Home? or Settle In For The Long Haul?
Jeremiah 52
The Blessing Of Punishment
The Blessing Of Punishment

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God's People in Exile - What Should We Do?

Grays Harbor Corps

March 26, 2019

Second in a three-part series.

This is a simplified version of the presenter's slides that can be seen at:

Jeremiah 28

The Dueling Prophets

What was the prophet Hananiah's message to the prophet Jeremiah and to the people of Judah? [1-4]

How did Jeremiah receive that message? [5-6]

What warning did Jeremiah issue in response? [7-9]

Hananiah: less than 2 years and God will restore.

Jeremiah: amen, may it be so!

but.... If your prophecy doesn't come true then God didn't send you.

The Dueling Prophets

Jeremiah walked away from the confrontation with Hananiah [11], but God had

other plans -- what did God tell Jeremiah to do? [12-14]

Who witnessed these confrontations between the prophets? [1, 5, 11, ?]

How long did it take to find out who was the true prophet?

Confrontations: 1,5,11 - priests and people in the temple. 15 - in private?

How long? 2 months, or 70 years, or ???

Jeremiah 29

Be Ready To Run Home? or Settle In For The Long Haul?

What instructions did God send to the Jewish captives in Babylon? [4-7]

What promise(s) did God make to them? [10-14]

How could they be sure to receive what He promised?

Settle down, and note well verse 7!

I will prosper you.

The big O word: obedience. Seek the Lord and His will.

Be Ready To Run Home? or Settle In For The Long Haul?

What warning does God give to the exiles? [15-20]

What is planned for the Jews left behind in Jerusalem?

At the time this was written, would it have been better to be a Jewish slave in Babylon, or a proud free Jew worshiping at the temple in Jerusalem?

Pay attention!

War, starvation, and disease.

Ya know, I kinda like it here in Babylon.

Be Ready To Run Home? or Settle In For The Long Haul?

The duel continues!

Oh! and what about those false prophets who had been misleading God's people by telling them what they wanted to hear rather than what God actually said? Poor Ahab, Zedekiah, and Shemaiah! [21-32]

May the LORD treat you like Zedekiah and Ahab!

Jeremiah 52

The Blessing Of Punishment

Here β€œis a record of what happened to Jerusalem and Judah because of the LORD's anger when he drove them out of his sight.” [3]

It is a dramatic story, including a runaway king, but let's focus on this bit: β€œIn all 4,600 people went into exile.” [30]

Remember "war, starvation, and disease" from chapter 29? Does the destruction in this chapter fulfill that previous prophecy?

The Blessing Of Punishment

|         | Start |     Ref.       | Duration  |   End   |        Ref.        |
|  Egypt  | 70    | Genesis 46:27  | 430 years | 624,730 | Numbers 26: 51, 62 |
| Babylon | 4,600 | Jeremiah 52:30 | 70 years  | 49,997  | Ezra 2:64-65       |

God blesses His people even in their times of distress!

Don't forget 29:11 -- "For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the LORD. β€˜I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.'"

God's People In Exile

Next week: What Should I Do?

Daniel chapters 1, 3, and 6.

For discussion now:

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