Well, What Do You Know?

Burning fossil fuels harms others. -- Peter Kalmus

Welcome to my on-line world.

This collection of material began some years ago on ourworld.compuserve.com, when my address was still 73270.1444@compuserve.com. Alas, CompuServe has been swallowed and digested by one of the evil empires. This site receives little attention, but it is still "my on-line world" though long since removed from its original environment.

We're Moving To Spartan

No, we'll still be living at the same house, but most of my new work will not be published here as HTML files. It will be found on my Spartan site at spartan://jdcard.com:3300 (and also available via the Gemini protocol at gemini://jdcard.com). Spartan is a much simpler protocol than HTTP/HTML. It is easier to write, and it is easier to read.

This HTML page, which used to be what you first saw at jdcard.com, is now available only by requesting jdcard.com/index.html, otherwise HTTP requests will receive the Spartan gemtext file "index.gmi" automatically converted to HTML. The HTML pages that still exist here will be gradually replaced by Spartan gemtext pages, and HTTP requests for them will be redirected automatically to the Spartan content.

Since I'm now focusing my efforts on the Spartan protocol it is probably a good idea to point folks to appropriate client software. As of mid-June 2022 I am thinking that Lagrange is the best choice for a Spartan client.

Graphical Clients

Lagrange is a GUI client available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux/BSD (with Android and iOS versions in the testing stage). If you work primarily in text mode, whether in a terminal window or at the console, you can compile a TUI version of Lagrange that provides the same functionality and user interface as the GUI version.

Eva also looks like it could be a good choice. It is still in early stages of development but is usable now. It is probably not yet available from your system's package manager or software store, so you'll likely have to build it from source code.

Text-mode Clients

Bollux is a friendly fork of the real bollux. It's not entirely written in bash and it has experimental support for spartan:// and file:// protocols. If your system's package manager or software store offers Bollux it likely is the original version and won't have support for Spartan.

Gelim has some nice features: integrated search of gemspace, word wrap so that long lines are easier to read, and mouse support (in X11). It is written in Go and is probably not in your system's package manager or software store, so you'll need to have "git" and "go" (or "golang") installed to build it from the source code.

You may also use that link to read the .gmi files directly in your browser. Gemtext is much easier to read than HTML or even Markdown. Here is a practice file: <ReadingGemtext.txt>, a brief guide to reading gemtext documents (and a valid gemtext version of the same content: <ReadingGemtext.gmi>).

No, this site is not about epistemology or ontology, at least not primarily, or directly, or intentionally. The title of this page might mean "Well, wha'd'ya know! He finally updated his website." Or it might be an invitation for you to examine what you (think you) know, and what is important to you, and what you should do about all that. Or it is (more likely) the loosely organized ramblings of one old guy who imagines that someone, somewhere, at some random time, just might find something useful or interesting here. Some of the ideas which are most important to me are archived here.

What's Here provides a one-page complete list of all the content on this site, similar to the old (and incomplete) Site Map.

Worship and ServiceThe good, the bad, and the ugly about my spiritual home.

Who am I?If you really want to know...

Art - I'm not really an artist, so this isn't really art?

Bucketful of MemoriesIs it a memoir? Or an essay about memory? Perhaps a collection of snippets? Folksy commentary on the art of living? This much is certain: there's nothing else here that's quite like it.

Visual MemoriesA collection of some of the best images taken with our camera during 2010.

Homeless orphans? Road Stuff and Papa's HouseTwo previous attempts at maintaining a blog, now archived here. And this very short story doesn't seem to belong anywhere else.

How To

How To Make A Paper Airplane

How To Make A Mug Of Hot Cocoa

How To Make Cookies

How To Make Cinnamon Oatcakes

How To Make Papa's Porridge

Send E-Mail to James Card
© Copyright 1997 - James Card.


This site is not "under construction". I may (some day) find time to revise or add to the material available here. Until then, what you see is what you get. There are no more vague promises about new, better, or more exciting things "coming soon". You are welcome to check back here in an hour or next week or next year. If you do don't be surprised if everything, or nothing, has changed. Oh, by the way, most changes will not be seen on this page -- this is just a gateway -- they will be found by following the links provided here.

My grumpy old man stuff: I have not used lots of pretty graphics with animations or frames or tables or forms, although I don't avoid using them where they make sense. I'm not a member of the MTV generation and I expect that your attention span is longer than 90 seconds and that you can read beyond the fourth grade level. I also don't assume that you are using the latest gee-whiz computer with a browser that does everything except fetch your slippers. I sometimes use ancient equipment and text-only browsers and appreciate sites which still make sense under those conditions.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Last modified: 2022-10-30 18:48:56 -- Page loaded at: 2024-10-17 21:42:06